
Servicebar rechts Button AnfrageUrlaub auf dem Bauernhof in Kastelruthrequest free of charge

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Bergbauernhof Ronsol bei Kastelruth im schönen St. Valentin an der Seiser Alm in Südtirol

spring 5 May – 27 June 2025>...

When the days get longer in spring and nature awakens, the desire for outdoor exercise increases. With special "Balance" experiences you can recharge your batteries in and with nature.



ronsolhof urlaub in den dolomiten auf dem bauernhof x

A morning hike to the Tschafon mountain refuge, a yoga session on the Calvary hill in Kastelruth or taking a pottery course.

The Balance experiences offer movement, relaxation and well-being for body and mind.

The events will be held every week in the villages of Dolomites region Seiser Alm, and are suitable for both adults and teenagers.

If you book a stay in our accommodation, you can participate in the following Balance experiences free of charge.

Please find the complete list of Balance-experiences and other information on this website: